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The question has arisen -- what am I going to be able to find on this site?

The simple answer -- anything and everything related to Popular Arts that we can get our hands on.

The long answer?  If it's currently in the news, or about to be in the news, and we can get permission to bring it to you, we will.  We don't want to spoil surprises, or take away the thunder studios, publishers, writers, directors and actors have spent months trying to build -- we want to add to it and enhance it.  Maybe even create a nice little echo chamber.

But if it's not in the news it gets a tad hard to put it up on a news site -- just because we like it isn't enough.  So, some of the stuff that came and went before our site came to be might find it's way here through articles in the "On my mind" section by Kay Kellam, or in John Mayo's "Lest we Forget" section.  Or if we get the opportunity to interview talent related to a past project we will most certainly use that opportunity to recreate the hype that was there in the beginning.

All that said -- if you've got something coming up that you'd like our little echo chamber to help with the thunder on, let us know.  And if you've got something you'd rather we not forget, toss us enough to make a newsworthy article out of and we are happy to try and help.

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