The Newest content can be found at:

Redirecting to and were thrilled to announce their launch in September of 2002.  Content varying from Comic Books and Film to Television and Music can be found throughout the sister sites!  We welcome you to our site, and hope you will find a great deal of fun content here.

The question of the hour (every July):
Many people have e-mailed to ask why we slowly but steadily post our coverage of the San Diego Comic Con where lots of other sites rush to get it up as quickly as possible.  The answer is relatively simple... we are not out to scoop all the other websites and make announcements before they can in this section -- it is our goal to take our visitors to con with us.  We want you to feel as though you know what the experience of the San Diego Comic Con is, and perhaps this section of our site will help you determine if you might want to go in the future. 

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